What's your "relationship" with chocolate like? lol Skip to content

Article: What's your "relationship" with chocolate like? lol

What's your "relationship" with chocolate like? lol - LaLa Daily Post

What's your "relationship" with chocolate like? lol

Hello everyone!!

Confession: I have to admit that I failed my 7 days cleanse program, lol. Simply, because of "That Chocolate". Another reason is that I got sick (working out on a windy day this weekend, was not a smart idea, but oh well..). Basically, the flu is hunting me, so I lost my voice, my car has some issue AGAIN, the studio session is postponed, and luckily I can type and eat, lol. Love typing, as you can tell.


In regards to the chocolate subject, I was invited to "Tobi Tobin", a luxury candles and fragrance store in Brentwood. It was great, but boy I did not accept those tasty chocolates...So tasty, so I gave more attention to the chocolates than anything else....until I realized the candles and perfumes were seriously good! So perfect for the Holiday gifts!!

I was impressed by the gorgeous lady that created this (Tobi Tobin), and next time we will hear more about that...It's always so inspiring to chat with women that turned their hobby into their work throughout the times where the internet did not hold that importance. It made me wonder, what would happen if let's say, music releases were kept in a "mechanical' form nowadays, and mp3 did not exist. One thing I know, it would be less of a headache for mechanical royalties...though, still a headache...

Anyway, back to the topic...Chocolates...This is how I'd describe my "relationship" with chocolate, lol:

"It took me awfully long to never eat it on an empty stomach (spikes your sugar level and you become more hungry), to enjoy the chocolate and skip the "diet" once that only makes you want to eat more because it is all about a portion control". If my portion of chocolate becomes a portion for 10 people (that happens sometimes too lol), then the next day I cleanse to make it up. 

What is your "relationship" with the chocolate?

If it is normal, well, then feel "safe" to check out TobiTobin and their amazing things and DM me your thoughts.

In addition, I chose this fragrance, it smells so good...(Bergamot, Lavender, Tobacco)! 

               Happy Holidays!!!!!!





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